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Conservation Minutes 08/16/2007
Minutes of Meeting
August 16, 2007

Present: R. Willis, C. Botchis, A. Tolland, P. Boncek, P. Murphy, J. Senterman, Associate
Member, Nick Alfieri, Acting Conservation Agent
Absent: M. Cohen, J. Fournier, M. Allen, Associate Member
There was a motion to accept the minutes of the August 2nd meeting. The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 4-0-0.
Public Hearing - Notice of Intent – 1 Woodland Park – Kirk - CE159-947
There was a motion to continue the hearing until the applicant appears before the Commission. The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 5-0-0.
The Commission Chairman stated that a letter has been received from the applicant’s representative dated August 9th requesting a continuance of the public hearing until August 30th. There was a motion to reopen the hearing and continue it to August 30th. The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 5-0-0.
Public Hearing – Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation – Map 258, Lots 3&4 Pond Street – Town of Franklin – CE159-946
Mr. Ray Willis, Conservation Commission member, recused himself from this public hearing due to a conflict of interest.
Mr. Jeff Nutting, Town Administrator, and Ms. Christina Hoffman, a representative of Metcalf & Eddy, both appeared before the Commission for the verification of delineated areas on a Town-owned site on Pond Street. Mr. Nutting informed the Commission that the Town Council will be attempting to put this parcel up for sale in the near future and the Town would like to have the wetland line delineated and verified by the Commission before this takes place.
Ms. Hoffman informed the Commission that last June, she visited the site and delineated the wetlands and placed wetland flags. There was bordering vegetated wetland and intermittent as well as perennial streams located on the site.
There was a motion to continue the hearing until August 30th so that the Commission may conduct a site walk. The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 4-0-0. The Commission will walk the site on Tuesday, August 21st at 6:30 p.m.
Public Hearing – Notice of Intent – 13 Maple Tree Lane – Hagen – CE159-945
Mr. Richard Goodreau, Engineer of United Consultants, and Mr. & Mrs. John Hagen, the applicants, all appeared before the Commission for the construction of an in-ground swimming pool. Mr. Goodreau stated that there is also a proposed hot tub and cabana depicted on the plan.
Mr. Goodreau informed the Commission that the proposed work would take place between the 50-100 ft. buffer zone. There is an existing swing set located in the 25-50 ft. buffer zone and this will be removed and the area will be revegetated. This will result in 187 sq. ft. of disturbance. In the 50-100 ft. zone, the disturbance will be 3,837 sq. ft. There is a 5 ft. distance between the apron and the fence and this will be landscaped and revegetated.
The majority of the proposed work will take place on previously disturbed area. There will be 12 trees proposed to be removed in the pool apron area. The patio would be concrete. The erosion control detail is depicted on the plan.
There was a motion to continue the hearing until August 30th so that the Commission may conduct a site walk. The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 5-0-0. The Commission will walk the site on Tuesday, August 28th at 7 p.m.
Continued - Public Hearing – Notice of Intent – Garelick Farms – 1153 West Central Street - CE159-944
The Commission Chairman stated that a letter has been received from the applicant’s representative dated August 9th requesting a continuance of the public hearing until August 30th. There was a motion to continue the hearing until August 30th. The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 5-0-0.
Continued - Public Hearing – Notice of Intent – Franklin Sports Mall – Washington Street – SE159-923
The Commission Chairman stated that a letter has been received from the applicant’s representative dated August 16th requesting a continuance of the public hearing until September 20th. There was a motion to continue the hearing until September 20th. The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 5-0-0.
Discussion: 678 Pleasant Street – Andy Bissanti
Mr. Andrew Bissanti, Jr., Realtor, and Mr. Jeff Winiker, a potential buyer of 678 Pleasant Street, appeared before the Commission to seek recommendations on the possibilities of developing this property at the corner of Pleasant Street and Green Street.
Mr. Bissanti stated that Mr. Winiker would seek to subdivide this property into two parcels. One parcel would contain the existing farmhouse and an additional parcel would be the lot on Green Street, which has frontage.
Mr. Bissanti was seeking the opinion of the Commission on whether a house could be constructed on the upper portion of the parcel; which would be located in the outer riparian zone to the river on the site. The applicant would provide mitigation and replication along the river’s edge. Mr. Winiker would repair the existing house.
The barn on the property would be torn down and a house lot constructed to the rear of the barn. Drainage issues could be discussed at a later time with the Commission.
The Commission members stated that the work should be kept in the outer riparian zone and no work would be permitted in the inner riparian zone to the stream on the site. If the applicant comes to the Commission with a plan that depicts no disturbance in the first 100 feet from the river, it will be looked upon more favorably.
It was suggested by the Commission that the applicant look at the Rivers Protection Act for some guidance when planning work on this site.
The applicant’s engineer will look at the site and determine what could be proposed for the lot and how much disturbance should be proposed.
Discussion: Corner of West Central Street & Spring Street – Maggiore
Mr. Paul Maggiore of Maggiore Companies and Mr. Jeff Nutting, Town Administrator, both appeared before the Commission to discuss the Doloff property at 1312 West Central, which Mr. Maggiore has under agreement. Mr. Maggiore presented plans for the Commission’s review.
Mr. Nutting informed the Commission that this is an industrial parcel of property off West Central Street, approximately 50 acres in size and also crosses wetlands. Mr. Maggiore proposes to construct 5 or 6 industrial buildings on the site and has encountered some wetlands on Spring Street.
Mr. Maggiore is seeking recommendations from the Commission as to requirements for developing this property. There would be a wetland crossing proposed on the site.
The wetlands have been depicted on the plans as well as 4,000 linear feet of roadway, which is a paper road. The Town would be the proponent to have this road completed.
A Commission member informed Mr. Maggiore that the Commission must allow one wetland crossing otherwise it could be considered a taking. There is a limit as to how much disturbance would be allowed for this taking. A Water Quality Certification would also be required.
Mr. Maggiore requested that the Commission look at the wetland flags on the site to determine their accuracy. A Commission member suggested that the applicant file an ANRAD with Conservation. This would determine and lock in the locations of the wetland line for 3 years.
Discussion: Spring Valley Estates – Dunn McKenzie
Mr. John Parmentier, Engineer of Dunn McKenzie, Inc., appeared before the Commission for a discussion regarding Spring Valley Estates, which would be situated between Curtis Lane and Jeremy Drive off Forest Street.
There are no wetlands or buffer zone located on the site. Mr. Parmentier is appearing before the Commission to meet the Planning Board requirements to request an endorsement of an Open Space Plan vs. a Conventional Plan with 10 lots and the cluster depicts 8 house lots plus a lot for drainage.
There are no resource areas on the lots. All of the lots will be septic. The Commission asked for roof drains for recharge purposes.
Mr. Parmentier is requesting a letter from the Commission to submit to the Planning Board showing support of the Open Space Plan.
There was a motion to authorize and direct the Conservation Agent to draft and provide a letter to the applicant that the Commission endorses the Open Space Plan for Spring Valley Estates. The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 5-0-0.
Minor Buffer Zone Activity: 136 Conlyn Avenue
The applicant has requested to spread a pile of dirt and loam on his lawn with 400 sq. ft. of disturbance in order to smooth out his yard over the exposed roots.
There was a motion to issue a Negative Determination with 3 Special Conditions. The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 5-0-0.
Minor Buffer Zone Activity: 45 Southgate Road
The applicant has requested the construction of a small four-season room addition on sono tubes. The area is previously disturbed.
There was a motion to issue a Negative Determination with 3 Special Conditions. The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 5-0-0.
Signed Determinations of Applicability
Determination of Applicability (Negative) – 136 Conlyn Avenue - Brown
Determination of Applicability (Negative) – 45 Southgate Road - Cadogan
There was a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 5-0-0. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kathleen Celorier
Conservation Secretary